OSA prides itself on animal welfare, nutrition, and quality of life for all species. We focus on heritage breeds that are naturally suited to thrive in an outdoors environment with minimal interference. These breeds have traits like parasite and disease resistance, excellent mothering abilities, and hardiness to extreme weather.

The outcome is a final product that has taken the time needed to grow properly, nurtured by us and the land, and has a flavor you won’t find on any store shelf.

  • Piglets

    Using a combination of Old Spot, Mangalitsa, and Tamworth pigs, we have bred the perfect combination of growth rate, marbling, and flavor for our customers.

    Quality feeder stock are available in both spring and fall. Breeding stock by request.

  • Sheep

    Our flock of Icelandic mixed sheep are prized for thier flavor and raised as a dual purpose animal for wool as well. Lamb shares are available each fall by the half or whole, custom cut to your liking. Retail cuts are offered separately when in stock.

    All meat is local pickup only.

  • Fiber

    We hope to have an abundant supply of Icelandic yarn, roving, and hides available for purchase seasonally.

    All wool products will be listed when in stock.

  • Poultry

    Our flock of 100% free range hens lay the most stunning and delicious eggs in a rainbow of colors . Offered fresh in our farm stand every weekend!